Senior year has definitely brought on a different type of stress with adding colleges to the mix. its hard to know which college I want to go to and get good grades and play sports. I am ready for a break. read more
I feel like I’m not wanted by anyone. My friends don’t want me, my family probably doesn’t either. I don’t even want myself. I wish I could change and be different. I just want someone to love and want me in their lives. read more
I posted earlier because I was upset, but I had some two good things that happened to me that I didn’t have anyone to share with so I thought I’d post it on here cause I know some people post positive things anyways so I’ve been making A fur suit and I can’t buy one because I don’t have money for… read more
EVERYWHERE I GO NJ IS EVERYWHERE. It make me wanna kill myself. It makes me go insane. Everyone knows everyone, I feel like there is an STD in the air. I throw up realizing I’m here. And when I hear someone say “New Jersey” I get a panick attack. It feels like there is incest. There r d**** bigger … read more
Just wondering about different ways of dealing with bad thoughts, seeing if I could learn or maybe even show some new ways to other's. read more