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I am with with my close friend who is so happy but I am , feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I want to open up about the hard time I have been having recently but I don’t want her to feel sad. I have been struggling to cope with the stress at home, the pressure of my personal life, and the constan… read more

Toxic or nah

Welcome to the pilot episode of "Toxic or nah!" On this episode we will be discussing Charlie. To give a little backstory, I met Charlie over the summer before entering a new school. I thought it was good to have met someone prior to starting so I would have a friend. In the beginning of the year, … read more

Toxic friends.... Are they supposed to tell you to kill yourself?

Are friends supposed to tell you to kill yourself, because they say that a lot, sometimes in a joking tone. read more

Asking to be friends...

I'm just starting my freshman year at high school after coming from a small school where I didn't need to socialize with a lot of people. Since November, I've been growing apart from my old friend group after I realized they're not as nice as I originally thought. Some other really kind girls invit… read more

Idk how to manage friendships

I have been told be a leader than a follower but I allows find myself being a follower. Back in my old elementary school, I used to have a good friend I would hang out with. Thing went south during my 5 grade when she introduced her friend I have never known before. After that we completely stopped… read more

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