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Drunken Mistake

Hi, I just need to tell someone this. I was celebrating Thanksgiving with my boyfriend and his family. Everyone there was drinking and was pretty drunk. I don't really remember most of the night, but I think I remember my boyfriends uncle fingering me. I didn't say no and I vaguely knew what was ha… read more

Guys issues

There's so much I want to say. Maybe it's just me and I just suck with guys but I don't want to feel this way anymore. I feel like if I go too far into the relationship something bad will happen like in normally has. I'm scared to go after the ones I like and I cry a lot in my room. All the guys I'… read more

Racist family members, Black boyfriend.

Hey there, 2ndFloor. It's been a long while since I've reached out for advice. I'm happy to say that things have been going my way for quite some time, now... I fell in love with a wonderful guy; I finally feel completely comfortable around someone else for once; I am working towards loving myself … read more

how do I tell her I like her

I recently have accepted myself as bisexual and I have a crush on my friend and I think she might like me back how can I subtly drop hints that I'm into her? read more

will it work out?

so there's this guy who used to like me. but he made up lies about his own friend so he cold "have me for himself". fast forward, me and this guy started talking. but only as friends. so far it's been 3 weeks but i already have strong feelings for him. he knows me pretty well but i''m not too sure … read more

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