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what do you think?

my parents are divoced and honestly my dad only cares about himself. As a gift for graduation he planned a trip out of the countyr with his new wife and my half siblings. I have extreme travel anxiety and do not want to go. it is now a few days away and I don't know what to do. Do I push through… read more


I’ve been overthinking a lot and that led me to have bing eating disorder and I have self love issues and I over think about all of that like what will people say if they found out what will people do I want to look like the models but I can’t no matter how hard I try read more

I don't know what to do

As I write this I'm extremely drunk and I'm only 19, I don't know what to do with myself. My dad recently passed away from cancer and although I know he wouldn't want me to feel this way I still do, and probably worse. I'm so pissed off and anxious I don't know what to do. I'm constantly thinking … read more

rumors and anixety

People at school have been starting some pretty bad and embarassing rumors about me saying that im a whore or a slut and saying i talking to multiple guys and that I did inapropriatte things with those guys. I just want it all to stop i already have so much going on at home and with my mental healt… read more

blackmailing .

I need help because I sent a picture (not a nude) but just a picture I’m not comfortable being shared around , but the person (idk who it is) is threatening to share it . They only have the picture because they threatened me and I got scared . Please idk what to do . I’m too scared to tell an adult… read more

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